Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Game Of Basketball And The Engine - 1029 Words
The game of basketball and the engine have been around for a long time. The game of basketball was invented in December 1891 and the engine was invented in 1680. Although they seem completely different they are not. Basketball and the engine are similar regarding their equipment and supplies needed, the procedures that take place, and the way they enhance one’s life. The game of basketball was intended to condition young athletes. It started as a basic game, and as the years progressed, officials added rules that made the game how it is today. The game is played with no more than five players from each team at a time. This allows you to have team mates but not have too many people playing at one time. The engine was invented to make life and transportation easier. Over the years engines have become more complex and powerful which allows for more speed and better vehicles. Basketball may seem like a complicated sport but it is not unless one makes it complicated. In the game of basketball there is the basket which has a back board made of a sturdy glass and a net made from special rope. Then there is the basketball which is made of rubber with a leather cover for grip. The players wear shorts and a jersey with a number and sometimes the last name of the player on the back and the same number and team name on the front. The player will also wear a special shoe made for the sport. The shoes are made from different materials, and the bottom of the shoe has a good, stickyShow MoreRelatedNCAA Athletes Need Salaries Essay1505 Words  | 7 Pagesseconds left. The winner takes home the title as the 1999 National champions. The ball is snapped, Bollinger drops back, fakes the pass, and pitches it to Dayne. He dodges a tackle, bounces off 2 blue jerseys, and stumbles in the end-zone for the game winning TD. Daynes hard work and perseverance paid off and l ed Wisconsin to a victory. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Reflection Of Biblical Counseling - 815 Words
Biblical counseling is a ministry of the local church whereby transforming individual’s beliefs into following the family of Christ. It is sanctioned to empower us as believers in Christ Jesus, allowing all to know that we can do all things through Him. If one believes in Christ, He can help lead us, guide us, counsel us, provide remedies for us, and show us how to handle any situation through the word of God. In the process He will allow us to let His wisdom shine and to teach us how to help others in this world of sin. We as biblical counselors can learn to help people in every circumstance. I learned there are many different ways to counsel. The main thing I learned was that Scripture is superior to anything†¦show more content†¦One focus of biblical counseling is to help others develop a biblical worldview of their life and recognize the core truth that guides right thinking and actions. The goal of biblical counseling is spiritual maturity. True change is the result of the Holy Spirit working in one’s heart. This work often includes intervention by other people such as a pastor, a mentor, or a counselor. The biblical counselor helps people identify their problems in biblical terms that may involve a renaming of the problem, such as, alcoholism versus drunkenness. As this is done, the individual’s view of his or her problem is changed and becomes biblical. This process is filled with grace and is ultimately redemptive. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the foundation for the work of biblical counseling. In order to go forth with any counseling session; one needs to study the Bible passage carefully to discover biblical principles applicable to each person and what they are going through, then one will need to utilize said Godly principles. Consequently, one will need to be creative in how the Bible is used in each counseling session. One will need to ensure that they get to know the person that they are counseling, the issues that they face, and what their spiritual belief is. There are many different methods that exist for using the Bible in counseling. One should determine, with the discernment of the Holy Spirit, which methods to use in each situation. However, in order to beShow MoreRelatedEssay on Theory Critique: Crabb and Hawkins1241 Words  | 5 Pagesof the Content Both authors express many overlapping elements of revealed truth in regard to the process of counseling and the problems that are derived in the life of clients and people suffering from disorders and psychologically unhealthy mindsets. Hawkins utilizes a theory of 5 concentric circles defining the human psyche and physiology. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Policing in Angola Free Essays
Abstract With a need to maintain order and protect the citizens, nations such as Angola are grappling with how to create and maintain a police force. This study assesses the strengths and weaknesses of using non-state police forces in a law keeping and enforcement capacity. The results of this study illustrate that there is a high potential for corruption, yet, the need for protection is greater than the possibility of abuse. We will write a custom essay sample on Policing in Angola or any similar topic only for you Order Now This study will be of interest to any person delving into the strengths and weaknesses of a non-state policing solution. 1 Introduction The need to ensure the security of the ordinary citizens in the nation of Angola on a day to day basis has prompted the consideration of creating and applying non-state policing actors (Hallsworth et al., 2011; Baker, 2006). With too little money from the regional government given for a police force, outside actors including businesses, private citizens and foreign nations can be utilized as investors in order to provide the service of policing the community. Non-state police forces are often unregulated and have the potential to take on a wide variety of forms that will speak to the characteristics of the surrounding population (Wood et al., 2007; Gill, 1994). Yet, it is necessary to avoid varied forces including vigilante groups that seek their own goals to neighbourhood watches and instead seek to stabilize a community made up of equally varied members giving the population to find them working against the same mutual enemy. Violent crime as well as rampant civil rights abuses has continuously promoted the need for a policing force throughout Angola and the entire African continent (Johnston et al., 2003; Wood et al., 2007). Alongside the need to keep the peace is the inherent need of the underlying community to support the force and the policies resting behind the enforcement of the tenants of the region. What cannot be denied is that despite the potential for abuse, there is a need for a centred and recognizable police force, whether a state or non-state actor, in order to ensure that day to day activities that contribute to the long term health of the nation are attended to. This brief illustrates the pro and con arguments surrounding the non-state police agenda and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the system. 2 Non state policing in Angola 2.1 Pro non state policing There is several sound reasons that a government such as Angola’s would choose to create and implement a non-state policing force (Wood et al., 2007; Hallsworth et al., 2011). Ranking as the primary motivation is the need for community security that allows for day to day activities to progress without hindrance. Furthermore, this perception of cultural stability aids in the operation of the underlying and associated financial and consumer markets that are themselves integral to the stability of the state (Crank et al., 2007; Baker, 2010). With a law abiding citizenry comes the opportunity to build a sound financial base that allows the operation of external and internal projects. With high crime rates to blame for abuses against the most vulnerable of Angola, the absence of a police force allows the criminal element to come to the fore, which in turn is directly against the needs of the regional population to grow and prosper (Hallsworth et al., 2011; Baker, 2006). Enforcement of the law is only one facet of any regions police force, making the need for a working unit critical to Angola (Johnston et al., 2003). Absent the taxpayer funds to establish and operate a working force, the non-state police option provides a method that can accomplish the goals of both the government and the consumer community. With a private force the tax payer does not typically feel the sting of payment that these forces need to remain relevant in the states interest (Gill, 1994; Baker, 2006). This element provides many opportunities for private investors to step forth and equip the non-state police force in a manner that some of the poorer nations, such as Angola, can only hope to afford. Furthermore, a key advantage of many outside or private police entities are the established outside contacts and expertise that is brought into the region as a result of the engagement (Crank et al., 2007; Baker, 2006). In many cases the skilled labour may not be present in the im mediate area, requiring the need to look to the outside community for better talent and resources. Another opportunity provided by the consideration of a non-state police force in Angola is the potential to transform relations with neighbour nations or allies by incorporating elements of their working infrastructure (Gill, 1994; Johnston et al., 2003). It is become more common of multinational police forces to work together towards a goal that serves to benefit the entire international outlook by ensuring the stability of the region. Furthermore, this form of non-state or shared policing builds bridges and understanding between enforcement departments that often have work across national and international borders in order to address the issue at hand (Hallsworth et al., 2011). In summary, the primary positives resting behind the non-state police force in Angola is the increase in talent, decrease in state funds spent and the opportunity to find international partners that will assist to maintain order in the long run. 2.2 Against Non-state policing As with any employee or outside agency, bringing in an outside police force to Angola, holds the potential to be abused and subverted to the interests of others (Hallsworth et al., 2011; Baker, 2010). Private interests often play a pivotal role in choosing, maintaining and implementing any form of non-state policing, making the persons behind the effort at once suspect and complicit in the case of corruption. Lending itself well to the spectre of corruption, non-state policing can have chilling impact on the target community by stifling business and community activities to the point that there is a visible loss of enthusiasm and production (Johnston et al., 2003; Wood et al., 2007). Furthermore, this perception of public abuse on the part of the policing efforts contributes to criminal activity and unproductive behaviour on the part of the local population. A secondary concern when dealing with a non-state police force in Angola is the need for the organisation to properly understand the community that they are assigned to protect (Wood et al., 2007; Crank et al., 2007). Many times an outside operator will mistake a cultural element as a risk, which in turn may lead to an issue that should never have been created in the first place. Furthermore, the local populace may not hold a great deal of confidence in the outside force, which can become a substantial hindrance in the operation of day to day policing activities (Baker, 2002; Wood et al., 2007). If the community is not helpful many opportunities will be lost to the non-state police effort. Yet, this can many times turn into a private citizenry that expects special favours of the police force, leading to another issue that has the potential to lead to widespread abuse and corruption. The level of training and professionalism among these private forces can quickly become a liability in the effort to sustain a working police force (Johnston et al., 2003; Baker, 2002). With many forces seeking to cut corners and save money whenever possible, there is a real potential to provide a undertrained and ill equipped force that could possible cause more harm than good in the region. Furthermore, the less training provided to the force enhances the opportunity for corruption and the skewing of the original effort to protect the citizenry (Baker, 2010; Crank et al., 2007). Finally, with a force that relies on funding there is the real possibility for a rich person or outside organisation to negatively influence the operation of the police force, making the need for oversight both critical and expensive (Wood et al., 2007; Gill, 1994). In summary, the negative aspects of using a non-state police force include possible corruption, lack of training and the absence of cultural sensitivity that aids in conducting many day to day police centred operations. Furthermore, there is the very real opportunity for a well-funded outside entity to have a substantial impact on the operation of the police force, which in turn can produce a range of further negativity. 3 Conclusion The need to ensure the security of the ordinary citizen on a day to day basis throughout Angola has prompted the consideration of a non-state policing system. As this brief indicates, there is a need for a police force in order to create a sustainable and liveable condition in the nation of Angola. Yet, as the evidence insists, the presence of corruption and abuse is likely. However, the need for citizenry protection and stability outweighs the possibility of negative policy. It would seem possible for an Angolan effort to keep the policing force transparent would lead to a working force that benefits the population more than the special interests. Coupled with the reduction in overall state costs, the prospect of a working police force provides outside investors with a reason to hope for stability, thereby increasing the likelihood of investment which aids in the building Angolan infrastructure. In the end, no matter the negative potential, the evidence suggests that a non-state policing force offers more benefit than detriment, leading to the recommendation of creating and implementing a non-state policing force in the African nation of Angola. References Baker, B. (2002). Living with non-state policing in South Africa: the issues and dilemmas. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 40(01). Baker, B. (2006). The African post-conflict policing agenda in Sierra Leone. Conflict, Security Development, 6(1), pp.25-49. Baker, B. (2010). Grasping the Nettle of Nonstate Policing. Journal of International Peacekeeping, 14(3-4), pp.276-300. Crank, J. and Giacomazzi, A. (2007). Areal policing and public perceptions in a non?urban setting: one size fits one. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies Management, 30(1), pp.108-131. Gill, P. (1994). Policing politics. London: F. Cass. Hallsworth, S. and Lea, J. (2011). Reconstructing Leviathan: Emerging contours of the security state.Theoretical Criminology, 15(2), pp.141-157. Johnston, L. and Shearing, C. (2003). Governing security. London: Routledge. Wood, J. and Shearing, C. (2007). Imagining security. Cullompton: Willan. ZIMBABWE: Security Sector Reform Deadlock. (2011). Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series, 48(7), pp.18921C-18923C. How to cite Policing in Angola, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Company Accounting McCarthy’s Cafes Ltd
Question: Discusss about theCompany Accounting for McCarthys Cafes Ltd. Answer: To, Mary McCarthy Managing Director, McCarthys Cafes Ltd, Suite 6889, Level 18, Cafe Plaza Building, 685 Charles Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Respected Madam, At first I would like to thank you for asking us to assist you in the process of making decision regarding various relevant sources that would guide the accounting team of the firm McCarthys Cafes Ltd. It has been found that there are various problems that are related to the financial condition of the firm Piper, Pepper and Associates. In this regard, the computation of the depreciation and the asset valuation are considered as the significant issues that pose a threat to the particular business regarding its sustainability in the present competitive market. The financial statement preparation is based on the guidelines of accounting that are ubiquitous at the particular point of time (Leo, Hoggett Sweeting, 2012). Additionally, any other inconsistencies that exist in the present policies of accounting might be determined and might have an influence on the businesss various financial strategies. A detailed study of the financial condition of the firm is mandatory in order to determine the significant financial strategies for development of the business venture (Vanderhoof Altman, 2013). Moreover, the present market share and the type of industry to which the firm belongs to is considered a vital factor as these help the organization to develop various financial strategies based on the condition of both home and international market (Needles, Powers Crosson, 2013). The financial policies are required to prepare the policies of the business and it has been found that the particular firm had obtained a business segment of Karens Coffees Ltd for $950000. Nevertheless, the book value was recorded as $650000 for the total transaction. Therefore, this inequality in measuring the assets should be rectified in the annual reports of the firm in order to reflect the proper financial situation of the organization. It has been found that McCarthys Cafes Ltd proposes to bridge up this gap in the book as goodwill. However, the valuation of intangible properties (such as goodwill) should be treated in an accurate way in order to assess the relevant financial situation of the organization. Generally, intangible assets are considered as a vital component of financial policies (Singh, 2014). Therefore, these assets should be measured and accounted separately for the operational policies of the business. The economic value of properties for a particular period ha s to be assessed with the aim to measure the value of the intangible assets of the firm (Christensen, Baker Cottrell, 2014). In addition to this, the increase in the goodwill is not involved in the assets as it is stated in the AASB 138, in the paragraph 48 that the goodwill that has been generated internally should not be considered as the property in the financial statements. The valuation of the firm is measured on the basis of the condition of the external market environment, which includes spontaneous creation, volatility and the issues regarding re-enforcement and protection (Predko, 2015). Thus, business analysts play a vital role in an organization as he can relate the exchange between estate owners and gift tax purposes. On the basis of the financial condition of the firm, its marketing and operational policies are generally determined (Christensen, Glover Wood, 2013). Thus, business transactions are considered as goodwill and it has an influence on both the marketing and operational policies (Bierstaker, Janvrin Lowe, 2014). The intangible assets value should be evaluated in a proper way to evaluate the value of original assets accurately. It has been noted that intangible assets are mainly documented in the financial statements only if it brings economic advantages to the organization (Christensen, Glover Wood, 2013). As per AASB 116, paragraph 15, it can be said that any plant, property and equipment (PPE) that gets qualified for the recognition criteria of a property should be considered at its cost. On the other hand, AASB 116, paragraph 29 states that a business is eligible is to select either the revaluation model or cost model as the accounting policy and the whole class of PPE should be implemented with the policy. According to paragraph 36, PPE should be revalued and not just one asset. However, I am afraid that this gain might not be considered as the sales revenue. According to AASB 116, paragraph 39, the gain is not considered within the sales revenue. Additionally, if the carrying value of assets is increased due to revaluation, the increased amount is mentioned in the comprehensive income and is collected in equity under the revaluation surplus. The operational policies of business should be restructured to evaluate the various issues of an organization (Hribar, Kravet Wilson, 2014). On the other hand, the revised budget and profit and loss statement imply that it fall short by 10 to 15%. Thus the value of land should be revised to meet the present value of the firm. For bridging this gap, profits of the firm have been raised to $2500000. The revised budget will help the firm to allocate accurate costs for its operations and this will help to set organizational goals (Needles, Powers Crosson, 2013). For the particular firm, the assets and liabilities should be revaluated for assessing its pertinent value. The firms balance sheet and income statement should be prepared based on the recognition criteria of the Australian Accounting Standard Board (Messier, 2014). Therefore, internal auditing, which is considered as an efficient financial instrument should be implemented within the firm. This will help to prevent financial irregularities and will also abolish the wastage of financial resources. The firm should focus mainly on the development of effective forecasting policies for the firm (Hribar, Kravet Wilson, 2014). This will help to protect the business from any kind of financial crisis. The assessment of the depreciation on the machinery is a major problem as it damages the firms financial processes. The depreciation rate has been recorded as 2% in context of 20%, whereas, the rate of building depreciation is recorded as 0.5% instead of 5% in the books of accounts. It has been analyzed that the present rates of depreciations that are followed in the firm has been much lower than the original rate of depreciation that has been accepted by the firm (Needles, Powers Crosson, 2013). The depreciation on machinery is considered as an important part of the firms financial policies. Thus, the business has to opt one from the marketing strategies of business and accounting for depreciation. In order to assess the proper costs of depreciation, the firm can select any one among both the methods of depreciation straight line and written down method (Bierstaker, Janvrin Lowe, 2014). Therefore, it can be said that implication of proper financial policies helps a business to re move all its discrepancies from its operational policies. Moreover, the measurement method of the firm should be shifted to the method of fair value in order to assess the present market condition based on the present value of the assets. Treatment of errors: When any error is identified within the financial report, the most important thing is to assess the errors materiality prior to the treatment as the material errors are only needed to be adjusted in the earlier financial reports. As per the AASB 108, paragraph 5, an item is counted as a material, only if the misstatement of the particular item influences the decision making skills on the basis of the financial statements. The particular firm can also follow the guidelines that are provided in the AASB 108 in order to identify the materiality by comparing the pre-determined base amount with the error percentage. At the time, when this percentage is greater than 10%, error is counted as material and if it less than 5%, then it is considered as immaterial. On the basis of the errors nature, fair judgment should be applied in order to determine materiality. The journal entries are required to be structured in a proper way and should also be adjusted accordingly and accurately as this will help to diminish the gap in between the depreciations of various accounts (Hribar, Kravet Wilson, 2014). Additionally, by rectifying the journal entries, the adjustments in the books of accounts can also be done that help the firm to run in right direction. In case of computer systems, the life span has been miscalculated that resulted into financial inconsistencies. Therefore, the firm should e-calculate the life span of all the assets in order to get accurate and relevant data. On the basis of the provided information related to third issue, the error would result into an overstatement of property as an amount of accounts receivable, which should be significantly higher. For a material error, a retrospective restatement should be implemented for error of earlier period. However, if the retrospective adjustments are not applicable, then the changes should be done in future accurately. Thus, the organization should take some measures and should also develop some strategies both marketing and operational to decrease its discrepancies and to identify the depreciation amount of the assets (Needles, Powers Crosson, 2013). The additional amount at the end of three years should be replaced for developing accurate financial policies. Moreover, the transformation of the firm from proprietary to public company might also affect the financial and operational policies of the firm, along with these; legal complexities might also occur (Christensen, Glover Wood, 2013). Thus, adequate resources and time is required for running the business successfully (Bierstaker, Janvrin Lowe, 2014). Therefore, it can be said that the particular business organization McCarthys Cafes Ltd might require sufficient amount of financial resources in order to meet the working capital or the daily expenses for operating the business effectively and efficiently. Lastly, I would again like to thank you for asking help from our organization. We will look forward to continue working with your company. Regards Peter Senior Manager, Piper, Pepper and Associates 59889, George Street, Unley, SA 5061 References Bierstaker, J., Janvrin, D., Lowe, D. J. (2014). What factors influence auditors' use of computer-assisted audit techniques?.Advances in Accounting,30(1), 67-74. Christensen, B. E., Glover, S. M., Wood, D. A. (2013). Extreme estimation uncertainty and audit assurance.Current Issues in Auditing,7(1), P36-P42. Christensen, T. E., Baker, R. E., Cottrell, D. M. (2014).Advanced Financial Accounting. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hribar, P., Kravet, T., Wilson, R. (2014). A new measure of accounting quality.Review of Accounting Studies,19(1), 506-538. Leo, K. J., Hoggett, J., Sweeting, J. (2012).Company Accounting, Google eBook. John Wiley Sons. Messier, W. F. (2014). An approach to learning risk-based auditing.Journal of Accounting Education,32(3), 276-287. Needles, B. E., Powers, M., Crosson, S. V. (2013).Principles of accounting. Cengage Learning. Predko, I. (2015). Accounting-and-Control Support for the Companies Activity in the Context of Crisis.Accounting and Finance, (4), 61-66. Singh, M. (2014). Simplifying Private Company Accounting Standards: Understanding the Costs.CFA Institute Magazine,25(3), 51-51. Vanderhoof, I. T., Altman, E. (Eds.). (2013).The fair value of insurance liabilities(Vol. 1). Springer Science Business Media.
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